
producing soap opera

A I have the problem. 
B What's up? 
A There is something I like.
B What? You have the girlfriend Mika don't you?  
A yeah...but things aren't working out between Mika. 
Oh, the humanity! So who is the next target?
A Karen. 
B Seriously? I'm surprised to hear that. She is C's girlfriend!
A I know. I know. I went to Mori museum with her last Monday. 
B Really?  If I remember correctly, last Monday was her birthday.
A yes. she chose me.
B oh...
A She came on to me first.
B ok ok So you mean you are going to break up with Mika? 
A yes. I go to fishing with Mika today afternoon so I will dump! Think about her.She's high maintenance. I have to call Mika over 20 times a day. recently it is decreasing. but last date she stood me up!! 
BI have mixed feelings.
A what do you mean?
There is something I like.
A What? You have the girlfriend Sae don't you?  
B yeah...but things aren't working out between Sae. 
A Oh, the humanity! So who is the next target?
B Mika
A 「!?」
C hi!
B wow Sae and C! What are you doing?
C I kind of have plan with her.
B Sae yesterday you said you had caught a cold so you couldn't  go to a park with me. what's up?
Sae  ...
C calm down calm down. By the way, Sae want to talk to you about something.
Sae  There is something I like...
AB Oh, the humanity!

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