
My Camera

How many camera do you have?
If you like camera you have some cameras, but I don't like camera very much, but I have two
same cameras.
First camera which I bought to use in junior high school graduation trip to Kyusyu during spring vacation.
At the time, it was newest model digital camera.
I took pictures with this camera in junior high school graduation trip.
Then, I lost this camera somewhere in Kyusyu that I bought the other day.
After I came home, my mother scolded me, and I felt sorry.
but, The graduation ceremony was just days away.
I needed a camera.
Then, I bought second camera.
I attended the graduation ceremony with this camera.
However, I got a call for a travel agent after a week.
according to it, there is my first camera in a bus in Kyusyu.
My mother scolded me again, and I felt sorry again.
now, there are two same cameras so, You should take care of a thing.



First, what soap operas are.
In UK, soap operas are serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized matters that is broadcast on radio or television.
They are called soap opera because soap companies often sponsor them.
It is said that this is the intension of soap companies which want to advertise their products to women, but the true reason is that there was a story of a soap company in soap opera in America.
This is watched by women than men and more by those in lower socio-economic groups because women have to be in home due to taking care of their children.

Second is the most famous soap opera in UK.
The most famous program in TV soap opera is East Enders.
East Enders started in 1985.
It is very long running TV soap.
The story lines focus on domestic and realistic life of the people who live in the fictional city of Walford in the East End of London. The characters tend to be mainly working class
The program makers took the decision that show was to be about ‘everyday life’ in the inner city ‘today’ and regarded it as a ‘slice of life’.
Producer Julia Smith declared that ‘we don’t make life, we reflect it’.
This program purse ‘documentary realism’.

And last is the differences of soap operas between UK and other countries.
The difference between American’s soaps and England ones is that American soaps are supposed to be more unrealistic, or unnatural and the characters are more glamorous, British soaps are supposed to be more realistic.
On the other hand, India’s soap operas focus on the conflict between love and arranged marriage.

Soap operas’ trend is different from each country.


producing soap opera

A I have the problem. 
B What's up? 
A There is something I like.
B What? You have the girlfriend Mika don't you?  
A yeah...but things aren't working out between Mika. 
Oh, the humanity! So who is the next target?
A Karen. 
B Seriously? I'm surprised to hear that. She is C's girlfriend!
A I know. I know. I went to Mori museum with her last Monday. 
B Really?  If I remember correctly, last Monday was her birthday.
A yes. she chose me.
B oh...
A She came on to me first.
B ok ok So you mean you are going to break up with Mika? 
A yes. I go to fishing with Mika today afternoon so I will dump! Think about her.She's high maintenance. I have to call Mika over 20 times a day. recently it is decreasing. but last date she stood me up!! 
BI have mixed feelings.
A what do you mean?
There is something I like.
A What? You have the girlfriend Sae don't you?  
B yeah...but things aren't working out between Sae. 
A Oh, the humanity! So who is the next target?
B Mika
A 「!?」
C hi!
B wow Sae and C! What are you doing?
C I kind of have plan with her.
B Sae yesterday you said you had caught a cold so you couldn't  go to a park with me. what's up?
Sae  ...
C calm down calm down. By the way, Sae want to talk to you about something.
Sae  There is something I like...
AB Oh, the humanity!


My Golden Week

Yesterday, I went to Roppongi to go to Mori museum in which exhibition of Andy Warhol was held.
One of the most famous pop artist, Andy Warhol fascinated many people from hollywood actors to the ex-emperor in the midle of 21 century, I didn't know about this type of art very much but Andy's art was very impressive for me, the most memorable work for me was the Death and Disaster Series.Warhol wanted to draw dark side of our life. If we looked a shocking movie or photograph, we may feel that is very realistic and we are afraid of that situation. However, a lot of mass media focus on this shocking issue actively, Our intense felling of anxiety fade out in the process. That was nice experience. Thank you!


last concert

We gave a classic concert last Saturday.
It was a first concert of this year for me.
That concert was targeting children and family with children.
90% of the hall capacity people was caming.
We'd like our audience to be satisfied with our concert so we played many type of  music.
For exsample, we played 'Sanpo', which is Ghibli music and we played 'Sandpaper Ballet' which is very unique sing because sandpaper used as a music instrument.
Everyone enjoyed that concert. Awesome! Thank you!